Identity and Paradox

11/04/2013 00:00

Workshop “Identity and Paradox”
CNRS research unit “Savoirs, Textes, Langage


Lille, France, April 11-12, 2013
Organizers: Giuseppina Ronzitti (STL), Tero Tulenheimo (STL, Lille 3)


Workshop Description

On the one hand, the concept of identity naturally enters the discussion concerning many types of paradox that are not, primarily, about identity itself. On the other hand, there are a number of paradoxes considered as paradoxes of identity in which identity is apparently the concept generating the paradox (e.g., the ship of Theseus paradox, Chrysippus’s paradox, the paradox of change, the paradox of constitution).

The goal of the workshop is to discuss philosophical, logical and linguistic aspects of paradoxes in which the notion of identity plays a role. More specifically, we wish to examine whether the so-called paradoxes of identity really are paradoxes of identity in the sense that their paradoxicality is primarily connected to the concept of identity; and we want to investigate the role of concepts of identity in connection with the formulation/solution of other types of paradoxes.



Martin Vacek
Institute of Philosophy, v.v.i.
Klemensova 19
811 09