Article archive
06/12/2016 13:55
Sharing Information for my Extended Modal Dimensionalism paper
Well, all of you will be able to read my Extended Modal Dimensionalism paper as well as use Enhanced PDF features such as annotation tools, one-click supplements, citation file exports and article metrics. The possibility runs via the shared link. Thanks Springer Nature SharedIt...
06/12/2016 13:54
Report: Issues on the (Im)Possible IV
Finally, the report in online now.
06/12/2016 13:53
Issues on the (Im)Possible IV
The report is available here.
07/11/2016 14:18
Profile: Night of philosophy
My profile is ready to check here.
02/11/2016 13:46
Pictures: What in the World(s)?! Conference (Vienna 2016).
Some nice pictures from the event are available here.
29/10/2016 20:31
A Night of Philosophy 2016 (Paris)
A list of speakers for this interesting event is online now. Come and experience philosophy as performance.
16/10/2016 09:32
Workshop: 1st Bratislava Pre-conference Pre-read Proper Names Workshop
The 1st Bratislava Pre-conference Pre-read Proper Names Workshop's program is already out. Here it is.
28/09/2016 12:40
Publication: Principia: an international journal of epistemology
My Impossibilia paper's found its home in Principia: an international journal of epistemology.
19/09/2016 14:58
Gideon Rosen in Bratislava (video)
Gideon Rosen's talk is online now. Check it out!
26/08/2016 15:31
Issues on the (Im)Possible online stream
Can't make Issues on the (Im)Possible IV? Here is at least a proxy: Gideon Rosen's talk to be live streamed. Get in touch if interested in watching.