Article archive
06/12/2016 13:54
Report: Issues on the (Im)Possible IV
Finally, the report in online now.
06/12/2016 13:53
Issues on the (Im)Possible IV
The report is available here.
07/11/2016 14:18
Profile: Night of philosophy
My profile is ready to check here.
02/11/2016 13:46
Pictures: What in the World(s)?! Conference (Vienna 2016).
Some nice pictures from the event are available here.
29/10/2016 20:31
A Night of Philosophy 2016 (Paris)
A list of speakers for this interesting event is online now. Come and experience philosophy as performance.
16/10/2016 09:32
Workshop: 1st Bratislava Pre-conference Pre-read Proper Names Workshop
The 1st Bratislava Pre-conference Pre-read Proper Names Workshop's program is already out. Here it is.
28/09/2016 12:40
Publication: Principia: an international journal of epistemology
My Impossibilia paper's found its home in Principia: an international journal of epistemology.
19/09/2016 14:58
Gideon Rosen in Bratislava (video)
Gideon Rosen's talk is online now. Check it out!
26/08/2016 15:31
Issues on the (Im)Possible online stream
Can't make Issues on the (Im)Possible IV? Here is at least a proxy: Gideon Rosen's talk to be live streamed. Get in touch if interested in watching.
16/08/2016 16:16
Issues on the (Im)Possible IV Program
A preliminary program of Issues on the (Im)Possible IV is ready to download at