Article archive
27/06/2013 11:56
NIP early career conference (papers to be published in Thought)
University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 27-29 June 2013 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Professor Jennifer Saul (Sheffield) Professor Brian Weatherson (Michigan) CONFERENCE AIMS Our ultimate aim is to showcase outstanding research by early career researchers. While there are a number of opportunities for...
26/06/2013 00:00
CFP: Conditionals (BW8)
If working on conditionals, one should check this event. University of Barcelona Barcelona, Spain June 26 2013 - Friday, June 28 2013 For this edition of the BW we encourage submissions on conditionals. Papers may directly deal with issues in the semantics or...
25/06/2013 13:25
Paper out!
Happy enough, my conference paper called Concrete Impossible Worlds in now out, namely in Filozofia Journal, 2013, Volume 68.
09/06/2013 10:18
Varieties of Realism/Anti-Realism
Just back from Ruzomberok, I’m quite happy to see how great slovak philosophy conferences could be. The conference I have in mind is the Varieties of Realism/Anti-Realism organized by the d epartment of philosophy at the Catholic University in Ruzomberok . Featuring...
25/05/2013 05:42
COGITO research group cooperation
I’d like to point out your attention to a research group of italian analytic philosophers called COGITO. As I had a chance to visit Italy and give a talk at one of the events organized by them, I can only agree that the group does a great job. In a near future...
16/05/2013 08:31
VARIETIES OF REALISM/ANTI-REALISM, June 5 – 7, 2013,Catholic University in Ruzomberok
Here is quite an intersting event organized in Slovakia. Check for more details here: VARIETIES OF REALISM/ANTI-REALISM
14/05/2013 17:43
Bielik's talk cancelled!
Yes, due to a lot of things going on right now Lukas's talk is postponed. However, another term will be arranged soon.
10/05/2013 09:10
Bielik on PhD Seminar
I am glad to announce another speaker at our seminars. It is our own Lukas Bielik with his ‘The New Riddle of Induction – Either the Old Problem or No Induction?‘. Abstract below. Abstract My presentation/lecture comes with Goodman´s original formulation of The New Riddle of Induction,...
27/04/2013 09:31
As some of you may know, the Slovak Metaphysical Society has found its new domain, namely We also changed the overall look of the sites and plan to include much much more in it. If you think there is something (sure, there is) we could improve, please let us know at...
16/04/2013 00:00
British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference 2013: The Actual and the Possible
Although the conference seems to reflect rather continental approaches to modality, some names indicate a quite interesting discussion. Just see the details if interested in the history of philosophy, from ancient Greece to the 20th century. The University of York, 16th-18th April...