Article archive
26/06/2018 14:24
Philosophy of Fiction Workshop (York)
Philosophy of Fiction Workshop University of York, UK Wednesday 27 June 2018 King’s Manor, York, room K159 Open to all. No registration fee. 9:30-10:00 Registration 10:00-10:10 Opening 10:10-11:00 Peter Lamarque (University of York): Fiction as...
15/03/2018 11:59
AAP Stream on the Extent of Impossibility
New Zealand Association of Philosophy Australasian Association of Philosophy 8 - 1 2 JULY Victoria University of Wellington NEW ZEALAND AOTEAROA Modal Metaphysics: The Extent of Impossibility Convenors: Martin Vacek (Slovak Academy of Sciences) The concept of a...
05/01/2018 10:20
CFP: Fictionalism as an (In)Appropriate Philosophical Methodology
CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue of Organon F – international journal of analytic philosophy on Fictionalism as an (In)Appropriate Philosophical Methodology Submission deadline: June 15, 2018 It is sometimes said that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Fictionalism in...
15/11/2017 13:34
MODAL METAPHYSICS: ISSUES ON THE (IM)POSSIBLE VI August 2-3, 2018 (Bratislava, SLOVAKIA) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Sònia Roca Royes (University of Stirling) Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (University of Oxford) We invite submissions for a 30 minute...
11/10/2017 08:54
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS: LOGIC, SEMANTICS, METAPHYSICS, EPISTEMOLOGY One day workshop Institute of Philosophy Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava 27.10.2017 The workshop is a collaboration between philosophers from the University of Vienna and the Institute for Philosophy at the...
23/09/2017 17:27
Conceivability & Modality June 19-20, 2017, Sapienza University in Rome
Report available here.
23/09/2017 17:24
Conceivability & Modality report
My report from the amazing Conceivability & Modality conference available here.
20/08/2017 11:06
Issues V moments
Another great event! Some pictures from the Issues on the (Im)Possible V conference are now available here.
01/08/2017 11:25
Fiction: Impossible! (online first)
The paper is available here, and shared via the Springer Nature SharedIt initiative here.
23/07/2017 16:36
Paper Accepted
Good news! My 'Fiction: Impossible!' paper has found its home in Axiomathes journal. A draft can be found here.